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Galen Friend's mission in life, as in her art, is to evoke and emanate serenity, harmony, inner peace and respect for the beauty in our world. 

We are constantly distracted in life from what really matters. Galen chooses to focus her time and energy on soul and harmony. She takes photos in the name of celebrating and venerating nature and its gifts. 

A recent article from National Geographic states, "...people tend to be happiest close to water (lakes, ocean, rivers) and when they have access to nature...". 

Since people cannot always get to nature, Galen brings nature to people. Science reports that the unconscious mind cannot tell the difference between what is real and what is vividly imagined, so bringing meditative art into your home or office can uplift your spirit simply by its presence. 

The poet Rumi said, "Wherever you stand be the soul of that place". Galen strives to do just help heal and uplift humanity by connecting the soul of nature with our own, to help us remember who we really are.

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